在穿越海湾高速公路时在休斯顿肇事逃逸中被打死的青少年;警察寻求公共帮助。 Teen killed in Houston hit-and-run while crossing Gulf Freeway; police seek public help.
星期一晚上,在得克萨斯州休斯顿的海湾高速公路上,一名19岁少年在一次肇事逃逸事件中丧生。 A 19-year-old was killed in a hit-and-run incident on the Gulf Freeway in Houston, Texas, on Monday night. 尽管他的兄弟试图阻止他,但该青少年在穿越高速公路时被一辆汽车击中。 Despite his brother's attempts to stop him, the teenager was struck by a vehicle while crossing the freeway. 司机逃离现场,但找到一辆汽车的碎片,这可能有助于查明嫌疑人的身份。 The driver fled the scene, but a piece of the vehicle was recovered, which may help identify the suspect. 休斯顿警察局正在请求公众协助调查 The Houston Police Department is asking for public assistance in the investigation.