埃尔帕索警方在致命的I-10坠毁事件中寻找肇事逃逸司机;两名妇女被打死。 El Paso police seek hit-and-run driver in fatal I-10 crash; two women killed.
El Paso警方正在寻求帮助,以识别11月16日在I-10 West发生致命车祸的一名肇事逃逸司机。 El Paso police are seeking help to identify a hit-and-run driver involved in a fatal crash on I-10 West on November 16. 两名妇女(30多岁和十几岁到晚)在穿越公路时遭到袭击。 Two women, in their 30s and mid to late teens, were struck while crossing the road. 一辆银色三菱Montero击中他们,随后一辆银色面包车将一名受害者拖到附近的停车场,然后逃走。 A silver Mitsubishi Montero hit them, followed by a silver minivan that dragged one victim to a nearby parking lot before fleeing. 蒙特罗司机留下来求救。 The Montero driver stayed and called for help. 这名肇事逃逸的司机被描述为西班牙裔男子,身高重,胡子短白。 The hit-and-run driver is described as a heavyset Hispanic man with a short white beard. 埃尔帕索的 " 犯罪制止者 " 正在对导致逮捕的信息给予奖励。 Crime Stoppers of El Paso is offering a reward for information leading to an arrest.