坦科码头投资820万美元,以扩大其在印第安纳的液体罐养场,支持航运增长。 Tanco Terminals invests $8.2 million to expand its liquid tank farm in Indiana to support shipping growth.
坦科码头是1977年以来印第安纳-伯恩斯港一家家庭拥有的企业,它正在扩大其液态油罐农场,投资820万美元。 Tanco Terminals, a family-owned business at Ports of Indiana-Burns Harbor since 1977, is expanding its liquid tank farm with an $8.2 million investment. 该项目包括一个新的办公室、维修中心、蒸汽锅炉、热液加热器、电动机、高粘度泵以及安全措施。 The project includes a new office, maintenance hub, steam boilers, thermal fluid heater, electric motors, high viscosity pumps, and safety measures. 这一扩展旨在支持密歇根湖货运的增长,并满足农业、石油和石油化工等部门的客户需求。 This expansion aims to support growth in Lake Michigan shipments and meet the needs of customers in sectors like agriculture, petroleum, and petrochemicals.