美国演员工会 (Screen Actors Guild) 通过影响全国演员的活动引起了 NBC 附属机构的关注。 The Screen Actors Guild draws attention across NBC affiliates with activities impacting actors nationwide.
美国演员工会一直在 NBC 的各个分支机构成为头条新闻,包括芝加哥、南佛罗里达州、达拉斯-沃斯堡、康涅狄格州、纽约和费城。 The Screen Actors Guild has been making headlines across various NBC affiliates, including Chicago, South Florida, Dallas-Fort Worth, Connecticut, New York, and Philadelphia. 这些报告可能围绕最近的活动、谈判或与这些区域的行为者和娱乐业有关的行业联合会的公告。 These reports likely center around recent activities, negotiations, or announcements from the guild that are relevant to actors and the entertainment industry in these regions.