纽约和洛杉矶的任职主任与工作室达成为期三年的暂定合同,包括增加工资和最低工资,将于9月30日前批准。 Casting directors in New York and LA reach tentative 3-year contract with studios, including wage increases and minimum wage, to be ratified by September 30.
正如 Teamsters Local 399 宣布的那样,纽约和洛杉矶的选角导演已与好莱坞工作室和流媒体平台达成了一份为期三年的暂定合同。 Casting directors in New York and Los Angeles have reached a tentative three-year contract with Hollywood studios and streaming platforms, as announced by Teamsters Local 399. 协议包括增加工资、选任主任的最低工资和选任助理的年薪。 The agreement includes wage increases, a minimum wage for casting directors, and annual raises for casting assistants. 批准表决将于星期一开始,紧接在上一份合同于9月30日到期之前。 Ratification voting will begin on Monday, just ahead of the previous contract's expiration on September 30.