Paul Chandler 72岁 在他的汽车沉没两周后 被发现死在康加里河 Paul Chandler, 72, found dead in Congaree River two weeks after his car was submerged.
来自Calhoun县的72岁男子Paul Chandler于12月16日在Congaree河被发现死亡, Paul Chandler, a 72-year-old man from Calhoun County, was found deceased in the Congaree River on December 16, nearly two weeks after his car was discovered submerged in the water. 他的家人最后一次见到他是12月3日。 His family last saw him on December 3. Calhoun县警长办公室正在调查他死亡的情况,并向Chandler的家人表示哀悼。 The Calhoun County Sheriff's Office is investigating the circumstances of his death and has extended condolences to the Chandler family.