OSFI将加拿大银行稳定缓冲维持在3.5%,表示有受控制的系统性风险。 OSFI maintains Canada's bank stability buffer at 3.5%, signaling controlled systemic risks.
加拿大金融监管机构OSFI已决定将该国最大银行的国内稳定缓冲维持在3.5%,这表明系统风险得到控制。 Canada's financial regulator, OSFI, has decided to keep the domestic stability buffer for the country's largest banks at 3.5%, indicating that systemic risks are under control. 为了在经济衰退期间保护银行,这一缓冲措施已连续第三次保持稳定。 This buffer, designed to protect banks during economic downturns, has been held steady for the third consecutive time. 加拿大所有主要银行目前都超过风险加权资产11.5%的最低资本要求。 All major Canadian banks currently exceed the minimum capital requirement of 11.5% of risk-weighted assets. 如果面临严峻的经济条件,OSFI可能会降低缓冲。 OSFI may lower the buffer if faced with severe economic conditions.