Ofcom 为一则招聘启事道歉,批评者称该招聘启事轻视了对色情行业的监管。 Ofcom apologizes for a job posting that critics say trivialized oversight of the porn industry.
Ofcom是英国媒体监管者, 在一名工作人员为监督LinkedIn色情业的“监督助理”安排工作后, 面对批评。 Ofcom, the UK's media regulator, faced criticism after a staff member posted a job for a "Supervision Associate" to oversee the porn industry on LinkedIn. 活动人士称其为“应受谴责”,认为它轻视了针对女性的暴力和对儿童的影响。 Campaigners called it "reprehensible," arguing it trivialized violence against women and the impact on children. Ofcom 道歉,称该帖子“判断不当”,并强调了他们对在线安全和打击非法内容的承诺。 Ofcom apologized, stating the post was "ill-judged" and emphasized their commitment to online safety and combating illegal content.