纽约警告说,有侵入性的发现有灯塔的蝴蝶在蔓延,对农作物构成威胁;敦促公众采取行动。 New York warns of invasive spotted lanternflies spreading, threatening crops; urges public action.
纽约农业部警告说,已发现的绿灯蝇正在蔓延,这是一种侵入性的害虫,食用100多个植物物种,包括对纽约经济至关重要的作物。 The New York Department of Agriculture warns of the spread of spotted lanternflies, an invasive pest that feeds on over 100 plant species, including crops vital to New York's economy. 这些昆虫已在几个州北部县发现。 The insects have been found in several upstate counties. 敦促居民报告目击和刮碎的鸡蛋团块,将其放置在摩擦酒精或洗手液中销毁,以帮助控制害虫的蔓延。 Residents are urged to report sightings and scrape egg masses, which can be destroyed by placing them in rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer, to help control the pest's spread.