法官否认Garth Brooks要求驳回性攻击诉讼,允许案件在加利福尼亚进行。 Judge denies Garth Brooks' bid to dismiss sexual assault lawsuit, allowing case to proceed in California.
美国地区法院法官Michael Fitzgerald拒绝了Garth Brooks提出的驳回前化妆师提出的性攻击诉讼的请求。 U.S. District Judge Michael Fitzgerald denied Garth Brooks' request to dismiss a sexual assault lawsuit filed by a former makeup artist. 该案涉及多起强奸和性攻击案件的指控,尽管布鲁克斯试图将案件移到密西西比州,但该案将在加利福尼亚州继续审理。 The case, which involves allegations of multiple instances of rape and sexual assault, will proceed in California despite Brooks' attempt to move it to Mississippi. 法官裁定,密西西比法院应首先处理正在进行的有关法律事项。 The judge ruled that the Mississippi court should handle ongoing related legal matters first.