印度的SEBI收紧了岸外衍生物规则,以提高透明度和减少风险。 India's SEBI tightens rules on offshore derivatives to boost transparency and reduce risks.
印度的SEBI加强了关于外国有价证券投资者发行的离岸衍生工具的规则,禁止将衍生工具用作基本资产,并要求对证券进行全面套期保值。 India's SEBI has tightened rules on offshore derivative instruments (ODIs) issued by foreign portfolio investors (FPIs), prohibiting the use of derivatives as underlying assets and requiring full hedging with securities. 外国证券投资必须单独登记ODI,对于在印度市场上拥有相当大股权的ODI订户,或大量接触单一公司集团的ODI订户,必须另外披露情况。 FPIs must register separately for ODIs and additional disclosures are required for ODI subscribers with significant equity positions in Indian markets or large exposure to a single corporate group. 这一行动旨在提高透明度和减少风险。 This move aims to enhance transparency and reduce risks.