Geoffrey Hammond于2023年被判犯有攻击罪 波特兰公路狂暴枪击 但因谋杀指控被误判 Geoffrey Hammond found guilty of assault in 2023 Portland road rage shooting, but mistrial on murder charges.
Geoffrey Hammond被判犯有在波特兰2023年公路狂轰滥炸中殴打和非法使用武器罪,但以谋杀和谋杀未遂罪名宣布了审判无效。 Geoffrey Hammond was found guilty of assault and unlawful use of a weapon in a 2023 road rage shooting in Portland, but a mistrial was declared on charges of murder and attempted murder. 哈蒙德开枪打死了瑞安·马丁 在一次对峙中打伤了萨姆·戈麦斯 Hammond shot and killed Ryan Martin and wounded Sam Gomez during a confrontation. 国家将决定是否根据谋杀指控重审哈蒙德 或确定一个判决日期 The state will decide whether to retry Hammond on the murder charges or set a sentencing date.