消防员控制了塔尔萨复式公寓的大火;居民被疏散时没有受伤报告。 Firefighters contain blaze at Tulsa duplex; no injuries reported as residents were evacuated.
Tulsa的消防员正努力遏制周二清晨在14街和丹佛大道附近的一个双层大楼发生的火灾。 Firefighters in Tulsa are working to contain a fire that broke out at a duplex near 14th Street and Denver Avenue early Tuesday morning. 火灾影响了无人占用的建筑物的一侧,而另一侧的居民则安全撤离。 The fire affected one side of the building, which was unoccupied, while the other side's residents were safely evacuated. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported. 火灾原因仍在调查之中,14街丹佛大道仍然暂时关闭。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation, and Denver Avenue at 14th Street remains temporarily closed.