勘探者记录了底拖网捕捞对深海生态系统的破坏性影响,推动制定更严格的养护政策。 Explorers document destructive impact of bottom trawling on deep sea ecosystems, pushing for stricter conservation policies.
海洋探险家Ghislain Bardout和Emmanuelle Périé-Bardout记录了底拖网捕捞的严重影响。 底拖网捕捞法沿海床拖网,对地表下30-150米的食谱区造成严重影响。 Ocean explorers Ghislain Bardout and Emmanuelle Périé-Bardout have documented the severe impact of bottom trawling, a fishing method that drags nets along the seabed, on the mesophotic zone, 30-150 meters below the surface. 他们在北极之下成立,以收集关于这些深层生态系统的科学知识,目的是为养护政策提供信息,保护海洋生物免受过度捕捞、污染和气候变化造成的破坏。 They founded Under the Pole to gather scientific knowledge on these deep ecosystems, aiming to inform conservation policies and protect marine life from destruction caused by overfishing, pollution, and climate change. 尽管它对环境造成危害,但在许多地区,包括一些保护区,仍然允许底拖网捕捞。 Despite its environmental harm, bottom trawling is still allowed in many areas, including some protected zones.