国会同意一项协议,为灾害援助提供1 000多亿美元,并将预算决定推迟到3月。 Congress agrees on a deal providing over $100 billion for disaster aid and delaying budget decisions until March.
国会达成了一项协议,其中包括超过1 000亿美元的灾害援助。 Congress has reached a deal that includes over $100 billion in disaster aid. 预计不久将最后敲定的一揽子供资计划也将把预算决定推至3月。 The funding package, expected to be finalized soon, also pushes budget decisions until March. 这项协议是在民主党和共和党之间就解决最近的自然灾害和避免政府筹资危机进行谈判之后达成的。 This agreement comes after negotiations between Democrats and Republicans to address recent natural disasters and avoid a government funding crisis.