加拿大的人口增长自2022年以来处于低点,这主要是由于移民政策的变化。 Canada's population growth hit a low since 2022, mainly due to changes in migration policies.
加拿大的人口增长减慢到2022年初以来的最低速度,在7月至10月期间仅增加了176,699人,使人口总数达到约4,150万人。 Canada's population growth slowed to its lowest pace since early 2022, adding only 176,699 people between July and October, bringing the total to about 41.5 million. 国际移徙仍然是主要驱动因素,但联邦政府由于对住房和服务的关切而收紧了关于临时工人的规则,并限制学习许可。 International migration remains the main driver, but the federal government has tightened rules on temporary workers and capped study permits due to concerns over housing and services. 省际移徙也下降到人口流行前的水平,大约80 000人在不同省份之间流动。 Interprovincial migration also decreased to pre-pandemic levels, with around 80,000 people moving between provinces.