当局在不列颠哥伦比亚省一栋房屋被泥石流冲走后搜寻一名失踪人员。 Authorities search for a missing person after a mudslide washed away a home in British Columbia.
在不列颠哥伦比亚省的泥石流冲走房屋后,当局正在寻找失踪的人。 Authorities are searching for a missing person after a mudslide in British Columbia washed away a home. 这一事件发生在最近遭受暴雨袭击的一个地区,使救援工作复杂化。 The incident occurred in a region recently hit by heavy rainfall, complicating rescue efforts. 地方当局尚未公布关于失踪个人或幻灯片确切位置的进一步详情。 Local authorities have not released further details about the missing individual or the exact location of the slide.