建筑师Rex Heuermann在吉尔戈海滩附近面临六起谋杀案的审判; Architect Rex Heuermann faces court over six murders near Gilgo Beach; more details to be revealed.
纽约建筑师Rex Heuermann被控在Gilgo海滩附近谋杀六名妇女,定于星期二出庭。 New York architect Rex Heuermann, charged with the murders of six women near Gilgo Beach, is set to appear in court on Tuesday. 检察官将在与执法部门举行的新闻发布会上宣布一项“重大发展”。 Prosecutors will announce a "significant development" at a news conference with law enforcement. Heuermann表示不认罪,也是Valerie Mack死亡的嫌疑人,其遗体于2000年被发现。 Heuermann has pleaded not guilty and is also a suspect in the death of Valerie Mack, whose remains were found in 2000. 对该地区其他死亡事件的调查还在继续。 The investigation into other deaths in the area continues.