由于主要城市的办公空间问题,亚马逊地区将一些雇员的全办公室返回推迟至5月。 Amazon delays full office return for some employees until May due to space issues in key cities.
由于亚特兰大、休斯顿、纳什维尔和纽约等城市的办公空间不足,亚马逊已经推迟了对一些雇员的全面返回办公计划。 Amazon has delayed its full return-to-office plans for some employees due to insufficient office space in cities like Atlanta, Houston, Nashville, and New York. 最初计划从2025年1月2日起每周5天把所有工人带回来, 该公司现在表示, 有些地点可能要到5月才准备好。 Initially planning to bring all workers back five days a week starting January 2, 2025, the company now says some locations may not be ready until May. 受影响地区的雇员将继续采用混合工作安排,直到其办公室准备就绪为止。 Employees in affected areas will continue with hybrid work arrangements until their offices are prepared.