艾伯塔省发起运动,教育司机在拖车期间的权利,以防止骗局。 Alberta launches campaign to educate drivers on rights during towing to prevent scams.
阿尔伯塔省汽车协会 (AMA) 发起了一项“拖车前了解”活动,以教育驾驶员了解他们在车辆牵引期间的权利,以防止诈骗。 The Alberta Motor Association (AMA) launched a "Know Before the Tow" campaign to educate drivers about their rights during vehicle towing to protect against scams. 这场运动强调五项关键权利:有权拒绝未经要求的拖车、选择拖车公司、获取个人物品、询问回扣、收到报价和逐项发票。 The campaign highlights five key rights: the right to refuse unsolicited towing, choose the towing company, access personal belongings, ask about kickbacks, and receive a quote and itemized invoice. 该倡议旨在打击掠夺性做法,确保司机不被迫接受高成本、不必要的服务。 This initiative aims to combat predatory practices and ensure drivers are not pressured into high-cost, unnecessary services.