非洲开发银行集团批准设在阿比让的新的节能总部。 African Development Bank Group approves new, energy-efficient headquarters in Abidjan.
非洲开发银行集团已核准在科特迪瓦阿比让建造一个新的总部。 The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) has approved the construction of a new headquarters in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. 该项目在银行董事会的支持下,旨在改善工作人员的工作环境,并反映银行对绿色增长和安全的承诺。 The project, backed by the bank's Boards of Directors, aims to enhance the work environment for staff and reflect the bank's commitment to green growth and safety. 新大楼将是现代化的、节能的,表明该银行致力于非洲发展。 The new building will be modern and energy-efficient, signaling the bank's dedication to Africa's development.