非洲开发银行在尼日利亚投资 109 亿美元,目前投资组合价值 49 亿美元。 African Development Bank invests $10.9bn in Nigeria, with a current portfolio of $4.9bn.
非洲开发银行(AfDB)已在尼日利亚投资 109 亿美元,目前的投资组合为 49 亿美元,用于支持公共和私营部门的项目。 African Development Bank (AfDB) has invested $10.9bn in Nigeria, with a current portfolio of $4.9bn supporting projects in public and private sectors. 非洲开发银行西非地区总干事拉明·巴罗在该行成立 60 周年庆祝活动上透露了这一消息。 AfDB's Director-General of West Africa Region, Lamin Barrow, made the disclosure at an event celebrating the bank's 60th anniversary. 尼日利亚是非洲开发银行的最大股东,该行的投资涉及能源电力、交通、水利和卫生基础设施等多个领域。 Nigeria is the AfDB's largest shareholder, and the bank's investment spans various sectors, including energy and power, transport, water, and sanitation infrastructure.