阿联酋的王储着重介绍了该国空间部门迅速增长、计划发射卫星和大量投资的情况。 UAE's Crown Prince highlights the country's rapid space sector growth, planned satellite launches, and significant investments.
阿联酋王储主持了该国最高空间理事会的一次会议,强调阿联酋空间部门迅速增长,投资额达400亿阿联酋第纳尔。 The UAE's Crown Prince chaired a meeting of the country's Supreme Space Council, highlighting the rapid growth of the UAE's space sector, which has seen investments of AED40 billion. 研究和开发支出增加了14.8%,私营部门为44.3%的部门提供资金,每年增长29%。 Research and development spending has increased by 14.8%, and the private sector is financing 44.3% of the sector, which has grown by 29% annually. 阿联酋计划在今后几个月内发射两颗卫星:2024年12月发射Thuraya 4号卫星,2025年1月发射MBZ-SAT,目的是扩大卫星通信和高分辨率成像能力。 The UAE plans to launch two satellites in the coming months: Thuraya 4 in December 2024 and MBZ-SAT in January 2025, aiming to expand satellite communications and high-resolution imaging capabilities.