叙利亚中央银行不顾战争保留了26吨黄金,但外汇储备急剧下降。 Syria's central bank retains 26 tons of gold despite war, but foreign currency reserves have plummeted.
尽管内战和阿萨德政权倒台,叙利亚中央银行仍然拥有近26吨的黄金储备,与2011年持平。 Despite the civil war and fall of Assad's regime, Syria's central bank still holds nearly 26 tons of gold reserves, the same amount it had in 2011. 然而,由于粮食、燃料和战争方面的开支,其外汇储备从2011年的140亿美元大幅下降。 However, its foreign currency reserves have dropped significantly from $14 billion in 2011 due to spending on food, fuel, and war efforts. 金子牢牢地存放在中央银行的金库里,这需要三个钥匙和一个进入密码。 The gold is securely kept in the central bank's vault, which requires three keys and a code for access.