索尼延迟了“蜘蛛人:蜘蛛人之外”, 而Raimi的三部曲则移到了Netflix。 Sony delays "Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse," while Raimi's trilogy moves to Netflix.
Sony推迟了“蜘蛛人:蜘蛛人之外”的发布时间, 最初预计于2025年发布, 但没有提供新日期。 Sony has delayed the release of "Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse," originally expected in 2025, without providing a new date. 以Tobey Maguire为主的Sam Raimi的蜘蛛侠三部曲于1月1日从迪士尼+移动到Netflix。 Meanwhile, Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy starring Tobey Maguire is moving from Disney+ to Netflix on January 1. 这三部曲包括"蜘蛛侠"",蜘蛛侠2"",蜘蛛侠3"将在线播放, The trilogy, which includes "Spider-Man," "Spider-Man 2," and "Spider-Man 3," will be available for streaming, offering fans another way to revisit these critically acclaimed films.