蜘蛛侠4号将关注汤姆・荷兰的性格 与他牺牲的身份纠缠不休 预定于2026年发布 Spider-Man 4 will center on Tom Holland's character grappling with his sacrificed identity, set for release in 2026.
蜘蛛侠4号将关注Tom Holland的 Peter Parker的彼得 Parker 与“蜘蛛侠:无路可走的家”的后遗症作斗争, 他牺牲了自己的身份。 Spider-Man 4 will focus on Tom Holland's Peter Parker grappling with the aftermath of "Spider-Man: No Way Home," where he sacrificed his identity. Peter Parker决定只把焦点放在蜘蛛侠上。 The film will explore a more intimate, street-level narrative, with Peter Parker deciding to focus solely on being Spider-Man. Zendaya被确认为MJ而返回,但由于她繁忙的日程安排,她的屏幕时间可能有限。 Zendaya is confirmed to return as MJ but may have limited screen time due to her busy schedule. Charlie Cox's Daredevil 和Jon Bernthal's惩罚者。 The movie may also feature Charlie Cox's Daredevil and Jon Bernthal's Punisher. 蜘蛛侠4定于2026年7月24日发布 Spider-Man 4 is set to release on July 24, 2026.