詹姆士·沃克爵士 80岁 带领沃克的短面包 取得全球成功 去世了 Sir James Walker, 80, who led Walker's Shortbread to global success, has passed away.
James Walker爵士 80岁 Walker短面包公司的长期领袖 已经去世了 Sir James Walker, 80, the longtime leader of Walker's Shortbread, has passed away. 他16岁就加入家族企业, 帮助英国将它变成最大的家庭饼干制造商, 出口到100多个国家。 He joined the family business at 16 and helped transform it into the UK's largest family-owned biscuit maker, exporting to over 100 countries. 吉姆爵士于2022年获得骑士资格,今年早些时候又恢复了咨询作用,将领导权传给了他的第四代家庭。 Sir Jim received a knighthood in 2022 and stepped back to an advisory role earlier this year, passing leadership to the fourth generation of his family.