由于公交车司机短缺和传统服务减少,学校转而使用乘车分享软件。 Schools turn to rideshare apps due to bus driver shortages and cuts in traditional services.
由于校区面临驾驶员短缺,更多的学生在离家更远的学校上学,传统的公共汽车服务正在下降。 As school districts face driver shortages and more students attend schools farther from home, traditional bus service is declining. 州政府和地方政府已削减校车, 导致家长使用小猪车网络和HopSkipDrive等骑车工具运送学生。 State and local governments have cut back on school buses, leading parents to use rideshare apps like PiggyBack Network and HopSkipDrive for student transportation. 这些服务将家长搭车或直接与地区签订合同联系起来,提供更安全的替代方案,严格检查驾驶员和实时跟踪。 These services connect parents for carpooling or contract directly with districts, offering safer alternatives with strict driver screenings and real-time tracking.