不列颠哥伦比亚省倡导者建议为青少年提供免费公共交通,以减轻经济负担,促进包容性。 Advocates in British Columbia propose free public transit for teenagers to ease financial burdens and promote inclusivity.
在不列颠哥伦比亚省,倡导者呼吁为青少年提供免费公共交通,以减轻家庭的财政负担,促进包容性。 In British Columbia, advocates are calling for free public transit for teenagers to ease financial burdens on families and promote inclusivity. 高中学生目前乘坐公交车票的费用,加上越逃票价执法率上升,对低收入家庭的影响格外严重。 The current costs of bus passes for high school students, coupled with rising fare evasion enforcement, disproportionately impact low-income families. 他们提出了一个公共资助的过境模式,受华盛顿州和哈利法克斯成功举措的启发,强调青年过境培训和教育当局支助的必要性。 They propose a publicly funded transit model, inspired by successful initiatives in Washington State and Halifax, emphasizing the need for youth transit training and support from educational authorities.