研究人员开发一种98%的有效方法,使用激光分析来检测早期乳腺癌。 Researchers develop a 98% effective method using laser analysis to detect early-stage breast cancer.
爱丁堡大学的研究人员开发了一种新的筛选方法,利用机器学习和激光分析来检测乳腺癌的最早阶段,其效果为98%。 Researchers at the University of Edinburgh have developed a new screening method that uses machine learning and laser analysis to detect the earliest stage of breast cancer with 98% effectiveness. 这一非侵入技术在《生物光谱学杂志》上发表,利用Raman光谱学和机器学习,查明血浆的细微变化。 This non-invasive technique, published in the Journal of Biophotonics, identifies subtle changes in blood plasma using Raman spectroscopy and machine learning. 它还可以将精确度超过90%的四种主要乳腺癌子类型区分开来,这可能导致更个性化的治疗。 It can also distinguish between the four main breast cancer subtypes with over 90% accuracy, potentially leading to more personalized treatments.