科学家开发一种非常精确的血液测试,检测早期乳腺癌。 Scientists develop a highly accurate blood test that detects early-stage breast cancer.
爱丁堡大学的科学家们创造了一种新的血液测试,能够以98%的精确度在乳腺癌的最早阶段检测乳腺癌。 Scientists at the University of Edinburgh have created a new blood test that can detect breast cancer at its earliest stage with 98% accuracy. 测试结合了Raman光谱学和机器学习,以查明血浆中的细微化学变化。 The test combines Raman spectroscopy and machine learning to identify subtle chemical changes in blood plasma. 它还能够以90%的精确度区分四种主要的乳腺癌类型。 It can also distinguish between the four main types of breast cancer with 90% accuracy. 研究人员旨在扩大研究范围,包括更多的参与者和早期其他癌症的测试。 Researchers aim to expand the study to include more participants and test for early forms of other cancers.