报告显示,由于基因检测和诊断的进步,PCR市场增长。 PCR market grows due to advancements in genetic testing and diagnostics, reports show.
在遗传测试和诊断进展的推动下,聚合酶链反应(PCR)市场正在出现增长。 The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) market is experiencing growth, driven by advancements in genetic testing and diagnostics. 库里尔红衣主教的报告强调了包括市场规模、趋势和未来预测在内的关键方面,指出由于医疗研究和临床环境的应用增加,需求不断增加。 Reports from Cardinal Courier highlight key aspects including market size, trends, and future forecasts, indicating a rising demand due to increased applications in medical research and clinical settings.