到2031年,保健检测服务市场将达到15.55B美元,并受到药物试验和流行病需要的推动。 Healthcare testing services market to reach $15.55B by 2031, fueled by drug trials and pandemic needs.
全球保健分析测试服务市场预计到2031年将增长到155.5亿美元,年增长率为11.2%。 The global healthcare analytical testing services market is forecast to grow to $15.55 billion by 2031, driven by a 11.2% annual growth rate. 关键因素包括制药公司的外包增加,临床试验增多,对生物相似物的需求增加。 Key factors include increased outsourcing by pharmaceutical companies, more clinical trials, and higher demand for biosimilars. COVID-19大流行病也推动了市场的发展,加大了检测和药物研制的力度。 The market has also been boosted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with heightened testing and medication development. 北美洲目前领先于先进技术和严格监管,制药和生物制药公司位居前列。 North America currently leads due to advanced technology and strict regulations, with pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies at the forefront.