斐济发生中毒事件后,母亲和女儿返回澳大利亚,详情不明。 Mother and daughter return to Australia after poisoning incident in Fiji, details unclear.
母亲和女儿在斐济中毒后已返回澳大利亚。 A mother and daughter have returned to Australia after experiencing poisoning in Fiji. 据报道,事件发生在他们访问该岛屿国家期间,导致他们迅速返回澳大利亚接受治疗和康复。 The incident reportedly occurred during their visit to the island nation, leading to their swift return to Australia for medical treatment and recovery. 报告没有提供中毒的详细情况及其具体原因。 Details of the poisoning and its specific cause were not provided in the reports.