他60多岁的男子在试图登船时掉进水中,淹死在马丁湖中。 Man in his 60s drowns at Lake Martin after falling into water while trying to board boat.
一名60多岁的男子星期天晚上在马丁湖溺水身亡,当时他正试图在亚历山大市Kowaliga餐馆附近上船,然后掉进水里。 A man in his 60s drowned on Sunday evening at Lake Martin after falling into the water while trying to board his boat near Kowaliga Restaurant in Alexander City. 当他和他的朋友抵达时,餐厅因私人活动而关闭。 The restaurant was closed for a private event when he and his friend arrived. 尽管他的朋友为救他作出了努力,但无法救出这个人。 Despite his friend's efforts to save him, the man could not be rescued. 当地潜水小组在晚上7点15分左右找到尸体。 在通知家属之前,他的身份一直保密。 Local dive teams recovered the body around 7:15 p.m. His identity is being withheld until family notification.