马萨诸塞州哈利法克斯,一名男子因独木舟在湖中倾覆而死亡。 A man died in Halifax, Massachusetts, after his canoe capsized in a lake.
马萨诸塞州哈利法克斯,一名男子的独木舟在湖中倾覆,导致疑似溺水事件发生,造成其死亡。 A man died in Halifax, Massachusetts, after his canoe capsized in a lake, leading to a suspected drowning incident. 警方和潜水队被叫到现场,三人已安全从水中出来。 Police and a dive team were called to the scene, where three people had safely exited the water. 失踪男子被发现并被送往医院,但后来被宣布死亡。 The missing man was found and taken to a hospital, but was later pronounced dead. 调查仍在进行中,涉及哈利法克斯警方、州警察和马萨诸塞州环境警察。 The investigation is ongoing, involving Halifax police, state police, and the Massachusetts Environmental Police.