科威特向埃米尔谢赫·纳瓦夫 (Amir Sheikh Nawaf) 的遗产致敬,并庆祝在埃米尔谢赫·梅沙尔 (Amir Sheikh Meshal) 领导下取得的新成就。 Kuwait honors Amir Sheikh Nawaf's legacy and celebrates new achievements under Amir Sheikh Meshal.
科威特是已故埃米尔谢赫·纳瓦夫·艾哈迈德 (Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad) 逝世一周年,以纪念他的正直和稳定的遗产。 Kuwait marks the first anniversary of the late Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad's death, honoring his legacy of integrity and stability. 该国在新的埃米尔谢赫·迈沙勒·艾哈迈德统治下也庆祝了一年,凸显了新大学的开设和加强区域联系等成就。 The country also celebrates one year under new Amir Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad, highlighting achievements like the opening of new universities and strengthening regional ties. 谢赫·梅沙勒注重发展和国际合作,这标志着科威特充满希望的新时代。 Sheikh Meshal's focus on development and international cooperation marks a new era of hope for Kuwait.