卡塔尔向在社区服务和可持续发展中发挥作用的私人协会致敬。 Qatar honors private associations for their role in community service and sustainable development.
卡塔尔社会发展部长向私人协会致敬,表彰它们提供社区服务和对可持续发展作出贡献。 Qatar's Minister of Social Development honored private associations for their community service and contributions to sustainable development. 在多哈举行的仪式认可了前三个倡议:卡塔尔畜牧协会、卡塔尔阿拉伯语协会和卡塔尔工程师学会。 The ceremony in Doha recognized the top three initiatives: the Qatar Livestock Society, the Qatar Arabic Language Association, and the Qatar Society of Engineers. 这次活动强调了私营和国家机构为实现国家发展目标而开展合作的重要性。 The event highlighted the importance of collaboration between private and state institutions to achieve national development goals.