克什米尔内阁承诺实行无偏见的治理,侧重于公共问题和项目瓶颈。 Kashmir's CM pledges unbiased governance, focusing on public issues and project bottlenecks.
查谟和克什米尔首席部长奥马尔·阿卜杜拉重申政府致力于公正治理,强调决策不会受到政治派别的左右。 Jammu and Kashmir's Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah, has reaffirmed his government's commitment to unbiased governance, emphasizing that decisions will not be swayed by political affiliations. 他强调,必须紧急处理当选代表提出的公共问题,包括吸毒成瘾、基础设施和人员配置等问题。 He stressed the need to address public issues raised by elected representatives with urgency, covering concerns like drug addiction, infrastructure, and staffing issues. 阿卜杜拉呼吁解决土地购置和人员配置方面的瓶颈问题,以使项目不偏离正轨。 Abdullah called for resolving bottlenecks in land acquisition and staffing to keep projects on track.