克什米尔首席部长阿卜杜拉捍卫政治血统,挑战印度人民党对“王朝政治”的立场。 Kashmir Chief Minister Abdullah defends political lineage, challenges BJP's stance on 'dynasty politics.'
查谟和克什米尔首席部长奥马尔·阿卜杜拉(Omar Abdullah)驳斥了印度人民党对“王朝政治”的批评,称政治血统并不能保证成功。 Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah dismissed the BJP's criticism of "dynasty politics," stating that political lineage does not guarantee success. 他强调,他的儿子如果进入政治领域,就必须创造自己的道路,并指出,如果没有强有力的表现,初期的优势就会逐渐消失。 He emphasized that his sons would need to create their own paths if they enter politics, noting that initial advantages fade without strong performance. Abdullah指责BJP虚伪,指出其盟友对王朝政治的容忍。 Abdullah accused the BJP of hypocrisy, pointing out their tolerance of dynastic politics among their allies.