Joshua Fuller在威斯康辛州警方追逐9英里后, 以第四次OWI犯罪罪名被捕。 Joshua Fuller arrested for fourth OWI offense following a 9-mile police chase in Wisconsin.
Joshua Fuller, 38岁,来自Wood县, 于2024年12月15日被捕, Joshua Fuller, a 38-year-old from Wood County, was arrested on December 15, 2024, for his fourth OWI offense after a 9-mile police chase. 追逐始于富勒驾驶一辆疑似被盗的丰田轿车,躲避了温尼贝戈县 I-41 的交通拦截。 The chase began when Fuller, driving a suspected stolen Toyota sedan, eluded a traffic stop on I-41 in Winnebago County. 大丘特警察用轮胎通缩装置阻止他 Grand Chute police used tire deflation devices to stop him. Fuller被带去抽血,并正在对被盗枪支进行调查。 Fuller was taken for a blood draw and is also under investigation for stolen firearms. Maurice Williams,29岁,在印第安纳州因超速和持有毒品而追逐警察后,也被逮捕。 Maurice Williams, 29, was also arrested after leading police on a chase in Indiana for speeding and drug possession.