约翰内斯堡的400万人因为主要泵站的维修而面临四天的缺水问题。 Johannesburg's 4 million people face four days without water due to maintenance on key pump stations.
约翰内斯堡面临严重的水危机,因为Rand Water对两个关键水泵站进行维修,使约400万人四天没有水。 Johannesburg faces a severe water crisis as Rand Water performs maintenance on two key pump stations, leaving around 4 million people without water for four days. Gauteng的代理总理Lebogang Maile道歉并承诺政府支持受影响城市。 Gauteng's acting premier, Lebogang Maile, has apologized and pledged government support to affected municipalities. 非洲国民议会敦促耐心,预计在12月16日完成维修工作。 The African National Congress has urged patience, with repairs expected to finish on December 16. 一个工作组,包括国家和地方官员,正在就解决水问题的短期和长期解决方案开展工作。 A task team, including national and local officials, is working on both short-term and long-term solutions to address the water issues.