爱尔兰医院报告说,有600多名病人在等待床位,这突出显示了严重拥挤的状况。 Irish hospitals report over 600 patients waiting for beds, highlighting severe overcrowding.
据爱尔兰护士和助产士组织(INMO)称,爱尔兰医院星期一面临严重拥挤,有612名住院病人等待床位。 Irish hospitals faced severe overcrowding on Monday, with 612 admitted patients waiting for beds, according to the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO). 大多数病人(429人)在急诊部门,183人在其他医院病房。 The majority, 429 patients, were in emergency departments, while 183 were in other hospital wards. 主要医院,如大学医院Limerick、Cork大学医院和圣母儿童医院等,等候床位的人数最多。 Major hospitals like University Hospital Limerick, Cork University Hospital, and Our Lady's Children's Hospital saw the highest numbers waiting for beds.