365名爱尔兰患者在等待住院,其中244人在急诊室,121人在病房; UHL的病例数量最高,59例. 365 patients in Ireland await hospital beds, with 244 in EDs and 121 in wards; UHL has the highest count at 59.
爱尔兰的365名病人目前正在等待医院的病床,急诊部门有244人,病房有121人。 365 patients in Ireland are currently waiting for hospital beds, with 244 in emergency departments and 121 in wards. 根据爱尔兰助产士和护士组织 (INMO) 的报道, 利默里克大学医院的等待患者数量最高, 共有59人乘坐托车, 科克大学医院的40人, 加尔韦大学医院的37人. University Hospital Limerick has the highest number of patients waiting, with 59 on trolleys, followed by 40 in University Hospital Cork and 37 in University Hospital Galway, as reported by the Irish Midwives and Nurses Organisation (INMO).