印度尼西亚的ACES奖(2024年)表彰了41个行业的80项可持续性和创新成就。 Indonesia's ACES Awards 2024 honored 80 sustainability and innovation achievements across 41 industries.
2024年ACES奖承认印度尼西亚在可持续性和创新方面取得的成就,41个行业有80个提名。 The ACES Awards 2024 recognized Indonesia's achievements in sustainability and innovation, with 80 nominations across 41 industries. 包括PT TBS Energi Utama Tbk和PT Siloam国际医院Tbk在内的有名的接受者因致力于环境管理和社会责任而荣获荣誉。 Notable recipients, including PT TBS Energi Utama Tbk and PT Siloam International Hospitals Tbk, were honored for their commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility. 该奖项旨在激励亚洲的可持续做法并鼓励包容性增长。 The awards aim to inspire sustainable practices and encourage inclusive growth in Asia.