NIA接管了对曼尼普尔暴力事件的调查,目的是揭露更大的阴谋。 NIA takes over investigations into Manipur violence, aiming to uncover larger conspiracy.
国家调查局根据联邦内政部的指示,接管了对最近在曼尼普尔发生的三起暴力案件的调查。 The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has taken over investigations into three recent cases of violence in Manipur, following directives from the Union Ministry of Home Affairs. 这些案件涉及杀害包括妇女和儿童在内的平民、焚烧房屋、袭击中央警察部队哨所和派出所。 The cases involve the killings of civilians, including women and children, the burning of houses, and attacks on a CRPF post and police stations. 国家情报机构的目标是揭开该区域暴力升级背后的一个更大的阴谋。 The NIA is aiming to uncover a larger conspiracy behind the violence, which has escalated in the region. 该机构访问了犯罪现场,并正在从当地警察手中接管案件文件。 The agency has visited the crime scenes and is in the process of taking over case documents from local police.