印度国会议员普里扬卡·甘地·瓦德拉(Priyanka Gandhi Vadra)在展示“巴勒斯坦”的议会袋中引发争议。 Indian MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra sparks controversy with Parliament bag displaying "Palestine."
印度国会议员Priyanka Gandhi Vadra携带一个包包与“巴勒斯坦”一同进入议会, Indian MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra carried a bag emblazoned with "Palestine" into Parliament, drawing criticism from BJP leaders who accused her of "crass communal posturing." Vadra以对巴勒斯坦事业的坚定支持而著称, 她敦促政府也关注尼泊尔少数民族与印度教徒在孟加拉国的斗争。 Vadra, known for her vocal support of the Palestinian cause, urged the government to also focus on the struggles of Nepalese minorities and Hindus in Bangladesh. 这场争议是在以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突正在持续期间发生的。 The controversy comes amid the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict.