罗伯特·瓦德拉批评印度的清真寺调查,强调将宗教与政治分开,支持选举改革。 Robert Vadra criticizes mosque surveys in India, stressing separation of religion from politics and supporting electoral reforms.
国会领袖索尼娅甘地(Sonia Gandhi)的女婿Robert Vadra批评印度对清真寺的勘察重点, Robert Vadra, son-in-law of Congress leader Sonia Gandhi, criticized the focus on surveying mosques in India, arguing it distracts from issues like inflation and farmer protests. 他强调将宗教与政治分开,以保持印度的世俗特性。 He emphasized keeping religion separate from politics to maintain India's secular identity. Vadra还质疑电子投票机的可信度,并表示支持他的嫂子Priyanka Gandhi加强大会党。 Vadra also questioned the credibility of electronic voting machines and voiced support for his sister-in-law, Priyanka Gandhi, in strengthening the Congress party.