印度财政部长批评国会为了权力而不是民主而修订宪法。 Indian Finance Minister criticizes Congress for constitutional amendments aimed at power, not democracy.
财政部长Nirmala Sitharaman批评国会党修改宪法以保护其家庭和权力,而不是加强民主。 Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman criticized the Congress party for making constitutional amendments to protect their family and power, rather than to strengthen democracy. 她强调了历史的例子,例如限制言论自由的1951年修正案,并指责该党没有通过《妇女保留法案》。 She highlighted historical examples, such as the 1951 amendment that curbed freedom of speech, and accused the party of not passing the Women's Reservation Bill. Sitharaman赞扬《宪法》75年来的韧性,强调人民党对妇女保留的承诺。 Sitharaman praised the Constitution's resilience over 75 years, emphasizing the BJP's commitment to women's reservation. 辩论将在Rajya Sabha继续进行。 The debate will continue in the Rajya Sabha.