非法电话助推器干扰澳大利亚农村的电信, Illegal phone boosters disrupt rural Australia's telecom, report says, urging action and funding.
根据联邦委员会一份报告,非法移动电话助推器正在扰乱澳大利亚农村的电信。 Illegal mobile phone boosters are disrupting telecommunications in rural Australia, according to a federal committee report. 虽然主要区域中心改善了电话和互联网质量,但较小和偏远地区的覆盖面和可负担性仍然很差,自特拉斯特拉3G网络关闭以来尤其如此。 While major regional centers have improved phone and internet quality, smaller and remote areas still struggle with poor coverage and affordability, especially since Telstra's 3G network shutdown. 报告建议为澳大利亚民航管理局提供资金,以打击非法助推器,并建议采取14项措施,加强网络复原力和消费者保护,包括更新《普遍服务义务》。 The report recommends funding the ACMA to combat illegal boosters and suggests 14 measures to enhance network resilience and consumer protections, including updating the Universal Service Obligation.